August 29, 2010

"The unconditional love of Spirit is always with you, whether you know it or not and whether you accept it or not."
 Irene Lucas


  1. Love the colors you have used on this mandala. Lovely.

  2. I so needed to hear that quote this morning. Thank you. Beautiful mandala!

  3. Clare, I have so enjoyed exploring your work..can you tell me how you achieved the mottled colours in the background it purely with the mandala software??

  4. Hello Judith,

    How wonderful to hear from you. I truly appreciate knowing my work has brought you some pleasure.

    The 'mottled' colors were achieved by importing the original mandala into PhotoShop and using a pattern, layering, tweaking, etc.

    Ideally, the next edition of MandalaMaker™ will have a similar capability by importing texture and/or images.

    The latest edition took over 2 years for my husband to complete (released in December) So for now, I'm really enjoying playing with all the gradients and layers featured in the new version.

    Have you downloaded the free demo yet?!

    Let me know if you have other questions or comments.

    Blissings of the circle!

  5. Thanks so much for the information Clare I bought the older version ages ago and then changed to a mac and when I saw the new version I purchased it straight away so I'm playing with it as well...textures etc would be amazing...I love the new version anyway especially the new shapes and ability to play with the colours....Kindest regards

  6. OH Judith - I'm so glad you have the program. If and when you feel like it, Alan and I would love to see what you are coming up with!

  7. oh thankyou Clare that's so generous and kind..
